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Troubleshooting 5G SA

The success of 5G SA depends on consistent quality of experience. Speed to resolution assures this.

Troubleshooting 5G SA is key

5G networks bring high expectations of performance and availability. Successfully troubleshooting 5G SA, leveraging adaptive data collection and full RAN-to-core visibility, is key to accelerating the deployment of differentiated 5G services that meet demanding consumer and industry expectations.



Troubleshooting 5G standalone means navigating complex environments comprised of physical, virtualized and cloud-native components in the context of dynamic network and service topologies. Data pulled from multiple sources (network functions, infrastructure and probes) must be knitted together to provide real-time end-to-end visibility and support root cause analysis.


Change drivers

5G SA networks will host a wide range of applications and devices reliant on mission critical connectivity and edge computing. Keeping a clear view of the UX of each user and device–and maintaining 5G RAN and core network performance–is the new challenge for operations and engineering teams. However, only 2% think their current service assurance systems are enough. (GSMA Mobile World Live survey, 2021).

5G standalone demands new troubleshooting tools across multiple data sources for timely, actionable insight.

Sources of change

The path forward

There is a new cloud-native approach for troubleshooting 5G standalone that offers full end-to-end visibility, that leverages adaptive data collection to reduce the need for compute, storage and network resources while promoting real-time insight, and that correlates network performance and the user experience across user and control planes with rich metrics and xDRs.

EXFO’s solutions for troubleshooting 5G standalone enable service providers to deliver on the promise of 5G.



Successful 5G service assurance enables service providers to accelerate the deployment of 5G SA and bring to market the use cases that generate the new revenues counted upon to fund network expansion

De-risk the journey to 5G standalone

Troubleshooting 5G standalone requires tools that can cut across network generations, including 3G/4G/5G NSA as well as VoLTE and IMS, to surface the right data needed to analyze and resolve customer-impacting service impairments. Real-time visibility of 5G SA performance provides the confidence to deploy new 5G use cases.