Transport and datacom: EXFO provides leading, end-to-end high-speed solutions for testing next-gen Ethernet, including 400G/800G.
End-to-end test equipment from lab to live
As a systems integrator or prime contractor, you strive to deliver the best quality solutions to meet stringent and specific government requirements. EXFO’s test solutions can help you ensure the best quality of service (QoE) from lab testing through deployment.
Automated end-to-end testing is key to reliable connectivity, and EXFO has test solutions for every part of the technology lifecycle, helping your technicians rapidly pinpoint and troubleshoot issues wherever they arise. Truly end-to-end solutions -- from lab to live and core to customer -- enable taking effective action and ensuring reliable connectivity for government entities.
Whether you are testing rack-mounted fiber optic products, testing fiber performance in the field, or validating data center interconnectivity, EXFO has the tools needed to get the job done.
Field testing for accurate and fast results
As a prime contractor, you can be confident that services and infrastructure will be deployed ‘first time right’ with the most intelligent optical test solutions from EXFO. Faster deployment of optical networks, lower costs, and increased efficiency are delivered with our test solutions. EXFO’s Test & Measurement portfolio helps ensure network reliability from the lab to the field.
Key benefits
Testing in the lab is key to ensuring QoS when solutions are deployed, and EXFO has the tools needed by integrators/primes.
We provide automated, streamlined, and sequenced field tests and workflows – from network deployment and service turn-up to ongoing optimization to optimize end-to-end network performance.
EXFO’s fiber optic test solutions enable optimized planning, testing, validation, troubleshooting and documenting of all elements deployed throughout the network.
EXFO is the No. 1 provider of Field Test & Measurement solutions with more than 35% market share -- with a proven track record working with government entities globally.

Transport & datacom