Key features
Telco fully automated OLTS module
The FTBx-940/945 Telco OLTS can measure insertion loss (IL), optical return loss (ORL) and fiber length at two wavelengths under 5 seconds via fully automated bidirectional FasTesT™ analysis. FTTx certification and outside plant network testing just became a lot faster.
OLTS module for Telco, FTTx and outside plant testing
Ever since its introduction in 1996, the patented FasTesT™ technology revolutionized the industry by fully automating the test sequence, thereby saving countless hours of testing and troubleshooting in the field. Proven in thousands of diverse network deployments across the globe, FasTesT™ truly generates CAPEX/OPEX savings.
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FTB-2/Pro - Test platform
The most compact multitechnology test platform for the supertech.
MaxTester 945 - fiber certifier OLTS
Optimized for Tier-1 fiber certification (data center, enterprise) and designed to help installation contractors, network engineers and IT maintenance technicians achieve faster, first-time-right-system acceptance
MaxTester 945 - Telco OLTS
First tablet-inspired, multifunction optical loss test set (OLTS) delivering insertion loss, optical return loss and fiber length measurements at two wavelengths in five seconds via fully automated bidirectional FasTesT™ analysis.
Seamlessly characterize splitters in PON FTTx and MDU applications.
FTBx-720C - LAN/WAN access OTDR
The ideal construction OTDR for everyday field testing in any access network. With an iOLM application for both singlemode and multimode testing, it’s the most automated and intelligent troubleshooting tool for FTTA, LAN and data centers.
FTBx-735C - metro/PON FTTx/MDU OTDR
High-resolution OTDR designed for metro networks testing and splitter characterization in PON FTTx applications.
FTBx-750C - metro/longhaul OTDR
High dynamic range combined with high resolution for highly accurate fiber characterization.
iOLM - intelligent Optical Link Mapper
Automated, expert-level singlemode and multimode fiber testing that eliminates the need to manually configure parameters or analyze and interpret multiple complex OTDR traces
FIP-400B USB - Fiber inspection probe
These intelligent and automated test tools transform fiber inspection into a faster and simplified one-step process providing accurate and consistent test results, and preventing the reporting of false-positive results.
FIP-400B Wireless - Fiber inspection probe
Turn your Android™ or iOS device into a fully automated fiber inspection solution delivering fast and consistent test results. With no wires in your way or cumbersome battery pack, it provides unmatched end-user experience, combined with bring-it-anywhere portability.
MAX-FIP - Intelligent connector and fiber certifier
Rugged, tablet-inspired design featuring the latest innovations in automated connector and fiber certification. Ensures that workflow and best practices are followed by simplifying and speeding up the essential/critical inspection phase.