
Start your 400G journey, your way.

The MAX-840 Ethernet tester is a go-anywhere compact, upgradeable solution including 1G to 400G Ethernet testing capabilities based on the latest IEEE standards. It features a journey-to-400G design for ultimate flexibility; go with 400G now or start with up-to-100G testing and upgrade to 400G later. Covering the basics, it includes EtherBERT, TGEN, BERT, RFC2544, Fibre Channel (1X – 32X) and other core testing requirements. It supports a wide range of pluggable transceiver form factors, including SFP28, QSFP28, QSFP-DD, QSFP112, and OSFP.  The MAX-840 includes iOptics, an intelligent pluggable optics test application that can quickly validate any pluggable transceiver from 1G to 400G, as needed. 

Key features

1G to 400G Ethernet testing capabilities based on IEEE standards

Start with up-to-100G testing and upgrade to 400G later, or go with 400G right now

Fibre Channel testing from 1X to 32X 

Validate pluggable optics fast, including AOC and DAC cables, with EXFO’s iOptics automated intelligent test application

Automatic plug-and-play transceiver detection with the iOptics test application

Support for the most popular pluggables (QSFP-DD and OSFP) and the latest QSFP112 transceivers

Modular Open Transceiver System (OTS) supports testing of SFP28 or QSFP28 form factors

Built-in cloud-hosted solution EXFO Exchange for test results upload and activity collaboration

Testergebnisse teilen. Konformität stärken. Einblicke gewinnen.

Cloud-gehostete Lösung zum Teilen von Testergebnissen und zur Sicherung der Konformität. 

In Verbindung mit den branchenführenden Testern von EXFO steuert EXFO Exchange ein komplettes Ökosystem und fügt sich nahtlos in Ihre vorhandenen Betriebsabläufe ein. 

Vorteile :


icon automate test results managementAutomatisches Management der Testergebnisse.

icon boost compliance efficiencyGrößere Konformität und Effizienz.

icon improve collaboration visibilityBessere Zusammenarbeit und Sichtbarkeit.

icon access comprehensive reportingZugriff auf lückenlose Berichte.

icon unlock insights see what mattersAussagekräftige und relevante Einblicke.
