Ethernet testing Whether you are assessing Ethernet backhaul, Ethernet business services or packet transport networks, there’s an innovative and comprehensive EXFO testing solution suited to your requirements. Kaufen Request a quote Contact a sales representative Schedule a demo Ask an expert Lab and manufacturing testing Kaufen Request a quote Contact a sales representative Schedule a demo Ask an expert EXFO Adaptive service assurance platform Field network testing 5G testing Copper/DSL testing Dispersion analysis Ethernet testing Fiber inspection Fibre channel IPTV testing Legacy DSN/PDH testing Light sources Live fiber detection Modular test platforms Network operations, automation, data insights Network synchronization Optical fiber multimeter Optical loss test kits OTDR and iOLM Power meters RF testing Spectral testing Test function virtualization Transport testing (SONET/SDH, OTN) Variable attenuators xPON, WiFi and speed test Lab and manufacturing testing Automated probe stations Electrical BER Tester / Sampling oscilloscope Electrical Bit-error-rate testing MCB and loopbacks Sampling oscilloscope Network protocol testing Bit-error-rate testing DSn/PDH and legacy SONET/SDH testing Ethernet testing Fibre channel testing IPTV testing Next-generation SONET/SDH, OTN and multiservice testing Optical benchtop kits Optical component testers Optical light sources Optical power meters Optical spectrum analyzers Switch and utility module Test platforms Tunable laser sources Tunable optical filters Variable attenuators