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Are your 10G Solutions Future-Proof?

When choosing their testing solutions, 10G network operators need to bear a very important point in mind. These solutions need to be the very best on the market today to guarantee impeccable quality of service. But that’s not enough. They also need to be the best for tomorrow’s network. 

This is why EXFO made the FTB-88100NGE multiservice tester. A field tester that’s upgradable 10M to 100G. With the FTB-88100NGE, test up to 10G SONET/SDHOTN and Ethernet now... with the peace of mind of knowing that your tester is 100G-ready when the need will arise...

40G/100G network deployment is happening. Make sure your testing solutions are future-proof.

EXFO’s palette of 10G test solutions also includes the following:

  • The FTB-7400 CWDM OTDR series to test through CWDM-based MUX and De-MUX at all 16 ITU recommended wavelengths.
  • The FTB-5240 Optical Spectrum Analyzer series, allowing full characterization of all channel spacings, from 25 Ghz DWDM to CWDM.

Feel free to schedule a demo or get on a call with one of our experts. Whatever your network speed, EXFO has the right tester for you.