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FTTdp: Mitigate the Challenges and Harness the Full Potential of Ultra-Broadband

With more availability of over-the-top (OTT) content and access to 4K UHD TV via IPTV, OTT customers are increasingly demanding faster and more stable network performance than ever before. While wide-scale fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) rollouts can remain cost-prohibitive for network operators, new technologies, such as, can ensure ultra-fast speeds of up to 1 Gbit/s—all while leveraging the existing copper infrastructure.

However, the issue with is that its speeds can only work over very short distances. Fiber-to-the-distribution-point (FTTdp) identifies a new access network topology that not only uses the existing copper network but also works with to deliver ultra-fast broadband close to the home of the customer—both more quickly and cost-effectively.

As operators evaluate whether or not FTTdp is a solution to their network speed challenges, they must determine the impact FTTdp has on their preferred transmission technology as well as on the type of powering system to be used (local, remote or reverse power systems) and realistically achievable data rates. What’s more: operators need to address considerations regarding safety protocols, interoperability, customer perception, availability and time to market.

EXFO and Aethra Telecommunications paired up to host a recent webinar, FTTdp: Access Network Evolution, Deployment Strategies and Challenges, to give network operators an insider’s look into what specific technologies, powering systems, setups and best practices they can use to overcome FTTdp challenges and ensure ultra-broadband success.

If you are considering FTTdp for upcoming trial or full-scale rollout, it’s a webinar you don’t want to miss.

Watch it now!