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WebRTC: Seize the Opportunity

Access to the Internet via web browsers is a fundamental requirement for today’s customers for their personal or business use. Web real-time communication (WebRTC) is a technology that enables real-time communication via web browsers.

There are already more than one billion devices–tablets, smartphones and PCs–that support WebRTC-enabled browsers, and that number is expected to exceed six billion by 2019. WebRTC is also used in native mobile and machine platforms and applications, that’s that little thing called the Internet of things or IoT.

In more ways than one, introducing WebRTC is an opportunity for mobile network operators. WebRTC enables operators to:

  • Take advantage of existing investments
  • Capitalize on the new demand
  • Extend existing VoLTE, voice over video and RCS services to a new and wider set of Internet users
  • Introduce a new set of services to their existing customer base

Introducing WebRTC has more benefits as it ultimately helps to reduce customer churn, increase profitability, and overcome the threat posed by over-the-top players.

However, nothing good comes too easy. Introducing WebRTC to a network has its own set of challenges that operators must be aware of.

Smart introduction of WebRTC to the network means knowing how to answer the following questions and more:

  • What’s the WebRTC gateway?
  • How to extend IMS services to web users?
  • What’s the impact on the network?

Get a head start today thanks to this cartoon clip that will walk you through the "dos and don’ts" when prepping your network for WebRTC. See how the expert does it!