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Why “good enough” analytics just aren’t good enough anymore

Management of today’s virtual networks relies heavily on automation in order to improve the overall quality of experience (QoE), while also maximizing network resource utilization and cost savings. This automation, in turn, relies heavily on analytics to provide the most accurate, real-time view of the state of the network and the services being supported.

Today’s emerging service technologies, including LTE-A and 5G wireless, further emphasize the need for analytics-driven automation. Tighter requirements around latency, packet loss and jitter, combined with concepts such as network slicing and coordinated multipoint transmission, have added additional complexity to the delivery of these services and to the overall management of network and service quality. However, it is not enough to look at network and service performance metrics in isolation. An accurate, timely and effective analytics solution requires a simultaneous view across multiple dimensions: network, service and subscriber.

It is critical to have the ability to correlate service and network issues between dimensions in order to determine the correct root cause, and to have a clear understanding of how changes in one dimension will impact another dimension. Why? It’s about maximizing customers’ QoE and ensuring the right corrective actions are taken by the software-defined networking (SDN) orchestrator.

Download Multi-dimensional analytics: why real-time is critical to see how EXFO is using real-time 3D analytics to drive SDN orchestration solutions. You can also visit our website at to learn more about the EXFO Xtract multi-dimensional analytics solution.