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Did You Take the iOLM Challenge?

Last year, EXFO brought to market the Intelligent Optical Link Mapper (iOLM), a game-changing solution that  may still be unknown by many of you. In short, the iOLM is an application that brings OTDR testing to the next level and that enables untrained technician to become a test expert in no time.

So to spread the good news, this past summer, EXFO launched the “Take the iOLM Challenge” campaign, which was targeted for USA customers. The primary purpose of this campaign was to perform a live demo at the customer’s site or lab, to show all the benefits of EXFO’s iOLM over the traditional OTDR. USA EXFO reps visited multiple customers who registered for the challenge, which was quite simple: your tech, your network, your favorite OTDR versus our iOLM. The campaign was a real success. Customers were happy to learn about this solution and many of them converted to iOLM testing thus ready to save time, troubles and money. We thought we would share in case you'd like to do the same.

So you missed the challenge? No worries, take a look at this quick demo of OTDR vs. iOLM and don’t hesitate to contact your EXFO local rep should you be curious to try out the iOLM for yourself.

If you live outside of the US and you would be interested in taking the challenge, stay tuned! Since the iOLM challenge was such a great success, we'll certainly extend it to many other countries shortly.