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OSNR and nonlinear coherent transmission links at Lightwave Optical Innovation summit

Francois Robitaille

The Lightwave Optical Innovation Summit will take place from July 14 to July 16 and EXFO is thrilled to have one of its experts participate as a speaker. François Robitaille, Group Manager at EXFO, will be hosting a session to discuss Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio (OSNR) analysis in nonlinear coherent transmission links on July 16. 

In his session, he will cover how measuring OSNR can be tricky for 100G line side signals based on dual polarization QPSK format. He will also explain that the correlation between traditional OSNR and BER can be corrupted by nonlinear impairments along the transmission link, as well as the concept of OSNR that indicates the level of nonlinearities present on a signal.

Join François on Wednesday, July 16, 2014, at 10:30 AM to get all the details, and stay tuned for our event review shortly after the summit.