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5G Assurance and Troubleshooting with EXFO Reveal

As service providers migrate to 5G and 5G SA, there is a corresponding increase in network complexity. The move to cloud-native network functions residing in public or private clouds, and micro-services-based architectures means more network elements to troubleshoot and assure. In fact, 5G requires a new generation of troubleshooting tools.

To successfully execute on their 5G transformation initiatives, service providers require tools that provide complete, end-to-end visibility—from the Core out to the radio network, and then to the subscriber and her device.

By accelerating the time to root cause discovery and fault resolution, EXFO’s 5G assurance and troubleshooting gives service providers the confidence to deploy new services over their 5G networks. It also contributes to OPEX savings while also driving revenue assurance, improved ARPU and customer lifetime value.

Learn more about our troubleshooting 5G SA solution