Optical R&D labs are the driving force of all emerging network technologies. From single optical component development through to module integration and system validation, trusted optical test and measurement solutions are essential to any R&D research institute.
Although primarily designed for telecommunication applications, the same equipment can often be used for an extended range of non-telecom optical test and measurement purposes.
EXFO offers a line of future-proof test equipment to fit the optical testing needs of every optical R&D laboratory, from high-bandwidth communications to a wide variety of scientific and research applications.
Key benefits
Solutions for insertion loss, return loss and polarization dependent loss on passive optical components.
High-resolution optical spectrum analysis.
Full remote control of all test instruments for complete automation.
Comprehensive range of light sources including state-of-the-art lasers for passive component testing.
Wide choice of optical modules to build complete test systems.

Related products

CTP10 - Passive optical component testing platform
Unrivaled passive optical component testing platform for WDM components and photonic integrated circuits

CT440 - Full-band optical component tester
Compact tester for fast and accurate characterization of passive optical components

LTB-8 - rackmount platform
Bring power to your lab with a powerful, scalable and hot-swappable eight-slot rackmount platform designed for advanced lab and manufacturing applications.

OS-ATN - High-power variable optical attenuator
Combining industry-standard attenuator components and a broad attenuation range, the OSICS ATN brings you the power to operate throughout a large wavelength range

OS-BKR - Variable back reflector
Variable back reflector designed to measure the effects of back reflections (return loss) on transponder prototypes

OS-DFB-C - High-power laser diode modules
High-performance distributed feedback laser diodes that are perfect for CWDM network testing.

OS-DFB-L - DFB lasers
The OSICS DFB LANWDM modules are high-performance distributed feedback laser diodes perfect for testing silicon photonics chips.

OSICS-8 - Modular 8-channel mainframe
Multifunction modular platform for fiber-optic component testing with up to eight pluggable modules

OS-SLD - Broadband light source
Broadband light source with superluminescent light-emitting diodes that is ideal for optical component testing.

OS-SWT - Optical switches and shutters
The ideal optical switches and shutters for automating test setups in lab and manufacturing environments

OS-T100 - External cavity tunable laser module
Stepped external-cavity tunable laser modules that cover all telecom wavelengths

FTBx-9160 - MEMS optical switch
Provides highly accurate and repeatable fiber-to-fiber switching

XTA-50 - Tunable filter with adjustable bandwith
Electronically controlled. Center wavelength and bandwidth can both be set precisely and independently. Covers all key wavelengths from 1260 nm to 1650 nm and bandwidths from 32 pm (4 GHz) to 5 nm.