FLS-2200 - Fuente de banda ancha

La fuente de banda ancha FLS-2200 es una fuente de luz basada en SLED de alta potencia que cubre todas las bandas principales que se utilizan en aplicaciones de telecomunicaciones.

  • Discontinuado desde: 31/12/2018
  • Fecha de finalización del servicio y soporte: 31/12/2023

Características principales

Cubre todas las bandas
SLED único: 980 nm, 1300 nm, 1485 nm, 1550 nm y 1610 nm
SLED doble: Rango de 1300 nm/1550 nm y CWDM (1460 nm a 1620 nm)
Potencia de salida variable
Optimizado para estabilidad de potencia


Pruebas de IL de componentes pasivos en el rango de longitud de onda de 980 nm, así como en las bandas O, E, S, C, L y U
Caracterización de CWDM en el campo


The high-power, SLED-based FLS-2200 Broadband Source family covers all the bands needed for telecommunications applications. It provides a broader spectral range and more spectral density in a singlemode fiber than a white light source. The highly stable FLS-2200 is ideal for broadband applications, CWDM network testing, CWDM and PON component manufacturing and testing, as well as fiber-optic sensing and spectroscopy.

Two Sources, One Box

For CWDM testing, the dual-SLED option, covering the S, C and L bands, enables accurate characterization of fiber links and their passive components, with a very cost-effective test setup. Use the 1300 nm/1550 nm source for dual-window couplers and for PON components.

Designed for Component Testing

EXFO’s FLS-2200 offers enough power along the spectrum to measure high-level insertion loss. By combining the FLS-2200 with an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), you can efficiently qualify your components during development or perform Pass/Fail testing during production.


As sources are naturally polarized, it is possible to take advantage of EXFO’ s M9700 and IQS-9700 Passive Depolarizers, to bring the degree of polarization to less than 5%. This is especially useful when measuring the average insertion loss, or counteracting the polarization dependency of an optical spectrum ananlyzer.

High Spectral Density Stability

High spectral density stability is essential to ensure that the test setup produces accurate measurements, time and again. The more stable the spectrum, the less often a reference trace has to be acquired. This translates into better productivity. After a reference trace is acquired with the OSA, it can be subtracted to all subsequent traces. With no device under test (DUT) in the system, the resulting traces, centered around the averaged value, present the typical spectral fluctuations of the source. This is what is represented in figure below.
