September 2021 releases notes
OTDR/iOLM - version 8.36
iOLM - Manually group an element together with an unbalanced splitter
You can now group an unbalanced splitter element with the previous or next element.
This allows you to combine sub-elements of an unbalanced terminal into a single group element which aligns with network engineering maps and specifications.
iOLM - Improved unbalanced splitter detection when testing from a tap leg
When testing through a TAP port, the complete sequence of unbalanced splitters from the test point will be displayed as a single grouped element. Thresholds for the sequence are applied accordingly.
iOLM - Improved diagnostic messages
Clearer diagnostic messages.
iOLM - Analysis improvement
General improvement of signal processing analysis.
OTDR - Improved autonaming for SOR OTDR files with the addition of wavelength parameters
OTDR .SOR file naming now better supports the autonaming convention required by FiberDoc post processing software. When you select the .SOR format, the file name only displays one wavelength.