
Contact a director

Any interested party with significant concerns may report them to a Director of EXFO's Board of Directors by submitting this form. After you complete this form, an email from this website will be sent to a Director and a copy will be sent to EXFO's General Counsel and Corporate Secretary.

As the sender of an email from this site, you will not be identified and no reply can be sent to you unless you type in your name and contact information. EXFO's General Counsel and Corporate Secretary will retain any such messages for a reasonable period of time. The Director may discuss the matter with EXFO's General Counsel, with independent advisors, non-management directors or with EXFO's management, or may take other action in his or her good faith, judgment and discretion. For additional information, see Statement on Reporting Ethical Violations policy.

If this is not concerning EXFO's Statement on reporting Ethical Violations policy, your message will not be acknowledged and will be deleted by the receiving parties. For any other matters, please refer to EXFO's website.

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