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Things to Consider as Data Centers Move to Fiber

Data centers all around the planet are evolving fast to meet the ever-growing demand for bandwidth. The move to fiber is happening within and between data centers (data center interconnect or DCI). With fiber-based infrastructure, comes a whole host of new technologies such as 100G+ optical transceivers.

Lots of changes ahead and little or no margin for error as expectations for data centers are also evolving to new levels to match the new business role of data centers in a market driven by virtualization, cloud services and high volumes of data consumption.

Amidst all this technological upheaval, how do you ensure the highest quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) expected by service-level agreements (SLAs)?

One thing for sure, you’ll need a solid, comprehensive plan to test and troubleshoot your fiber infrastructure from endface inspection and transceiver quality checks to service testing and assurance monitoring.

Interested in knowing more on the most relevant inter/intra data center test and monitoring steps – from construction to turn-up and troubleshooting – for 100G+ interfaces? Watch our free webinar to learn the specifics and also explores service assurance opportunities in the era of 100G+ for data centers. 

Download the webinar: 100G+ Data-Center Evolution and Challenges: Don't Try to Reinvent the Wheel!