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Post-Processing at Full Throttle: New video available

I have recently installed the new 2010 Microsoft Office suite and even though the look and feel is similar to the 2007 suite, it took me few days to fully adapt to some of its new functionalities. Sounds familiar? Getting up to speed with a new software upgrade can sometimes be time- and energy-consuming.

As a FastReporter user, you may have recently experienced such transition when we introduced the second generation in February 2012. You may already master this new version or you may not be aware of all the changes we have brought. So to make sure that everybody is on the right track, I thought of using the EXFO Blog to give you a quick recap on FastReporter 2.

As we want to be as efficient as possible, we have shot five live demos to explain some of the main functions that were introduced within the first (2.0) and second (2.1) releases. To accelerate the learning curve, these videos also cover upcoming functionalities that will be launched throughout 2013.


New FastReporter 2
Features: Part 1

Presentation of everything that relates to the OTDR markers. See how you can save time editing your OTDR measurements by taking advantage of the reference mode.

Flexible Reporting

Presentation of the new Excel-based templating tool that will help you modify your template without having to be an expert or call for external help.

New FastReporter 2
Features: Part 2

Presentation of the new tools, such as the bidirectional template, that will facilitate the OTDR bidirectional analysis and help you generate error-free test reports in less time.

New FastReporter 2
Features: Part 3

Overview of the different advantages of having the possibility to have FastReporter 2 in a field platform such as the FTB-1. See how you could perform bidirectional tests using cloud!

Stay tuned for more tips on new software upgrades.