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Exploring a New Approach to Making Copper Testing Easier

Webinar of the Week Blog Series

10,000 hours. That’s the number of hours of practice you need to become an expert at what you do. Same rule applies to the telecom technician to reach that skill level. However, with telecom technologies continually evolving at a faster pace, putting that much time into anything becomes challenging. Let alone simply keeping up.

Thankfully, there are ways to go around the 10,000-hour rule. When it comes to copper testing, here are our top 7 ways for telecom technicians to become experts in no time:

  • Get a coach
  • Surround yourself with like-minded individuals
  • Build expert habits
  • Don’t waste time on the small stuff
  • Deliberately practice
  • Teach others
  • Make copper testing easier!

The last point may not be that obvious... how exactly can we make copper testing easier?

Larry Holcomb, from EXFO’s Advanced Technologies and Solutions Group, has put together a webinar to provide technicians at any skill level with plenty of tips and tools to help them to make expert decisions without the risk of misinterpretation.

Watch now and find out about Larry's tips.

What attendees said about this webinar: 

"Great presentation by Larry, he really touched some of the key points required to understand the basics of copper testing"

"Great Webcast, no interruptions. The Video was clear and easy to follow. Thanks."