FLS-2100 - light source
Features an exceptional selection of single- or dual-wavelength, singlemode and multimode light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and Fabry-Perot lasers.
Features an exceptional selection of single- or dual-wavelength, singlemode and multimode light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and Fabry-Perot lasers.
Delivers fully automated loss results in 10 seconds for up to three wavelengths, as well as automatic ORL and fiber-length measurements, with complete, high-quality test documentation.
Provides fully automated bidirectional loss test results in 10 seconds for up to three wavelengths, as well as automatic ORL and fiber-length measurement.
Modular, continuous wave (CW), tunable laser with a high-power output, narrow linewidth and high-resolution tunability for coherent/OFDM transmission and WDM network emulation.
A true one-box workstation for lab and manufacturing testing: combines optical, transport and datacom in a single platform environment.
The most compact multiservice 400G test solution on the market for field applications
Advanced testing of the full suite of new 400G technologies in lab and R&D environments