
un réseau plus intelligent en vue
AT&T and EXFO talk real-time 3D analytics and its transformative impact on virtualized networks
Par Louis Adam |

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Tests, monitoring et analyse de réseaux : soyez à l’affût de l’actualité!
Insertion loss: are you using the right reference method?
Par Vincent Racine |
How to ensure automation drives effective NFV/SDN orchestration
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How have virtual and hybrid networks changed the way services are managed
Par Anssi Tauriainen |
Why “good enough” analytics just aren’t good enough anymore
Par Anssi Tauriainen |
Overcoming Connection Reflectance and Network Failure in the 10G/40G/100G/400G Data Center Migration
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Why measuring your customer’s QoE is critical for a virtual network?
Par Anssi Tauriainen |
Active versus passive assurance – are both needed, and why?
Par Claudio Mazzuca |
Why active assurance needs to be part of the service—not the network
Par Michael Campbell |