IQS-3250 MM - loss test module
The IQS-3250 MM is part of the IQS-12001B system (refer to the IQS-12001B webpage for more information). Get it from JGR Optics.
The IQS-3250 MM is part of the IQS-12001B system (refer to the IQS-12001B webpage for more information). Get it from JGR Optics.
The IQS-3250B is part of the IQS12001B system. For more information, please refer to the IQS-12001B webpage. Get it from JGR Optics
The IQS-3250 SM is part of the IQS-12001B system (refer to the IQS-12001B webpage for more information). Get it from JGR Optics.
With its fast acquisition rate and high resolution, and combined with the IQS-5100B Polarization Scrambler, the IQS-3400B is ideal for polarization-dependent loss (PDL), insertion loss, optical return loss, coupling ratio and excess loss measurements.
Combining optimal- and protocol-layer testing, the scalable IQS-500 intelligent Test System includes a controller unit, expansion units, remote control capacities and a comprehensive software suite. This rugged hardware is readily adaptable to the most demanding T&M environments.
In seconds, the IQS-5100B polarization scrambler covers all possible states of polarization for fast and accurate PDL measurement at a fixed wavelength.
Designed for high-resolution, high-dynamic-range applications, the modular IQS-5250B Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA) delivers accurate power, wavelength and optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) measurements.
The IQS-5320 is a compact, multiline wavelength meter optimized for calibration and adjustment applications.
This unit is a choice solution for characterizing non-linear effects such as four-wave mixing, as well as for calibrating and verifying power meters, photodetectors and attenuators at high power levels.
Supports DSn, PDH, SONET and SDH electrical rates up to 155 Mbit/s and is ideally suited for manufacturing and R&D environments
Combines advanced SONET, SDH, DSn and PDH test functions in a single unit